KLUSHA on stage: short performances for gala's, variete shows, dinner-shows, events, parties....
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Zusters Zooitje: clown's First aid –post
The Zusterszooitje-nurses run an alternative First Aid-post at: congresses, schools, sport activities, companies, shops, markets, care institutions, funfairs, festivals, police stations, municipalities, and all other imaginary and (im)possible events.
They are there to prevent any small, large and very large accidents.They will come up with clownesk treatments for all predictable and unpredictable injuries. Their treatment is very interactive, and their “patient’s” wellbeing is their main concern. They will give you valuable advice, whether you want it or not.
Of course the nurses will adjust their treatment methods to your specific wishes.
They are there to prevent any small, large and very large accidents.They will come up with clownesk treatments for all predictable and unpredictable injuries. Their treatment is very interactive, and their “patient’s” wellbeing is their main concern. They will give you valuable advice, whether you want it or not.
Of course the nurses will adjust their treatment methods to your specific wishes.